Soul food
May 20, 2005
Instead of jumping straight into the more depressing events of the last few weeks, and into the interesting events of the coming few weeks, I thought this light item would put us back on track.
The following passage is taken from a recent informative article in Haaretz. Let's see if you can guess to what it refers (don't peak):
”Possessed of almost a Jewish soul, displaying loyal Zionism and always hanging around with the guys, reporting for reserve duty and eternally present at barbecues - it is, in short, a true Israeli and a native to boot (a sabra, one could say, and risk engaging in hidden advertising). At the same time, it must not deny its origins and must therefore be authentic and draw on local, traditional, deeply rooted folklore, having been here for generations (an Arab or a Palestinian, one could say, and risk being excessively political - or lacking PC)."
OK, do you give up?
It's hummus!
I wonder whether the old expression can be adapted to "having your hummus and eating it too."
Which brings to mind "let them eat hummus." And they are.