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‘Responsible’ is not letting Assad live and let die
If letting Assad live and let die is the top agenda being promoted by such self-proclaimed responsible policymakers, we have much bigger problems than we ever imagined.
The unbearable lightness of tweeting
Dangerous tweets about Syrian refreshments had already surfaced on the twittersphere, and the damage to American interests was incalculable.
The Pelosi pandemonium
There are good news and bad news to report after Nancy Pelosi’s visit to Damascus.
US assistance and political change in Syria - right or wrong?
The first American "assistance" for political change in Syria dates back to 1949, when the first democratically-elected president of Syria, Shukri Al Quwatli, was overthrown by a CIA-backed military coup.
The price of opposition
It seems perfectly clear now that America is not bothered with regime change in Syria, for the moment at least; had it been even remotely interested, it would have disbursed more than those peanuts.
The great leap to more of the same
There is no such thing as an old guard and a new guard; there is only the guard. And the guard is guarding the assets it has acquired over the past decades.
60 days on
2 years of “liberation,” 9 months of “sovereignty” and 2 months of “democracy” later, Iraq is not doing well.
A few comments on the Iraqi elections
The media, as if Iraqis couldn’t have understood the concept of one person, one vote without the Americans, made the whole coverage of the Iraqi elections a televised version of a See Ali (See Dick).